Archives: Downloads

Netherlands position biobased economy FBR Biomass Research 2016

Netherlands position biobased economy FBR Biomass Research 20162913 DownloadsThis study evaluates developments in the Netherlands vis-à-vis similar developments in other countries in Europe. The main focus is on comparing policy, research and market developments in six countries in the North-west of the continent (the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Denmark). Download

Using Smallholder Farm and Household Data for Fertiliser Advisory Services

Using Smallholder Farm and Household Data for Fertiliser Advisory Services1032 DownloadsThis report presents an overview of existing literature on farm size and composition, family conditions and other endowments and their relation to crop production. Specific attention is given to nutrient use, soil management and other elements of crop production in the study area. Download

Ethanol from sugar beet in The Netherlands: energy production and efficiency

Ethanol from sugar beet in The Netherlands: energy production and efficiency1625 DownloadsProspects for ethanol production from sugar beet in The Netherlands have been analysed using measured production data from two experimental farms and literature on beet to ethanol conversion. The analyses include beet cultivation and harvesting, transport to the factory, conversion into ethanol and delivery …

Ethanol from sugar beet in The Netherlands: energy production and efficiency Read More »

Reststromen uit bos en houtverwerkende industrie

Reststromen uit bos en houtverwerkende industrie1097 DownloadsThis report examines the question of how many woody residual flows in the Netherlands and surrounding countries are available for the production of bioenergy. This report utilizes existing public information sources, whereby calculations are worked out in an unambiguous manner. Calculations and results are presented in a transparent manner. …

Reststromen uit bos en houtverwerkende industrie Read More »

Mobilising Sustainable Supply Chains Biogas Cases – IEA Bioenergy 2018

Mobilising Sustainable Supply Chains Biogas Cases – IEA Bioenergy 20181322 DownloadsThis report is part of a broader IEA Bioenergy InterTask Project ‘Mobilising sustainable bioenergy supply chains’. It discusses: biogas production from organic residues, biogas production from the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), use of oil palm residues, and co-digestion of agricultural residues (manure …

Mobilising Sustainable Supply Chains Biogas Cases – IEA Bioenergy 2018 Read More »

Report on expert workshop on variable demand for biofuels – IEA Bioenergy_2018

Report on expert workshop on variable demand for biofuels – IEA Bioenergy_20181095 DownloadsThis IEA Bioenergy Task 43 report presents the results of a one-day Expert Workshop on “Variable demand as an avenue to sustainable first generation biofuels and biobased chemicals” that was held 3 December 2018 in The Hague (NL). Read more about the project here. Download

PBE Jaarrapportage 2019

PBE Jaarrapportage 2019916 DownloadsAnnual report from the Platform Bio-Economy (PBE) and Biomass Research about the use of woody biomass for energy production in the Netherlands. Available in Dutch only. Download