Our Publications
An overview of publications prepared by Biomass Research staff. Feel free to download any publications you might find useful.
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Title | Description | Download | Year |
OFVI poster: Kenyan soils benefiting most from bio-slurry and BEC | Poster illustrating soils in Kenyan benefiting most from bio-slurry and BEC application. This poster was created from the OFVI project, for which an analysis of soil quality in Kenya was made and therefore areas with highest potential benefits from bio-slurry and BEC. | 80 Downloads | 2024 |
OFVI poster: feedstock influence on bio-slurry quality and methane yield | Poster created as part of the OFVI project illustrating which feedstock mixtures provide the best bio-slurry quality and methane yields. The poster is used by project national partners to increase the valorization of bio-slurry and knowledge on biodigester best practices. | 79 Downloads | 2024 |
OFVI report INC7: feedstock influence on bio-slurry quality in Kenya | Assessment of ten feedstock mixtures and the nutrient content of resulting bio-slurry and methane yield for medium-scale biodigesters in Kenya. Previous studies focused on manure as feedstock while this study includes manure, kitchen waste and crop residues, among others. | 78 Downloads | 2023 |
OFVI report INC5: literature review on best practices for bio-slurry and BEC | Literature review assessing the potential nutrient and fertilizer value of bio-slurry and BEC under prevailing conditions in the project’s target countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. Summaries and detailed overview of most prominent publications on bio-slurry and bio-slurry-enriched compost (BEC) application, composition, short-and-long-term effects on soils and crop growth. | 75 Downloads | 2023 |
HOOP presentation: evaluating and improving circular bioeconomy in cities and regions | Research4Life presented in the HOOP webinar series. The presentation showed research results : an inventory of biowaste and Urban Waste Sludge (UWWS) streams in eight cities and regions, from collection, to treatment, and to post-treatment utilization. The outcome of the research allows cities to evaluate current waste management and to find solutions for novel circular processes from there. | 77 Downloads | 2024 |
OFVI ABC presentation Sahel meeting 2024 (FR) | Slides from the OFVI consortium presentation held at the ABC Sahel meeting in Cotonou, Benin. The members of the OFVI consortium (Biomass Research, SNV, and DIBcoop), presented key achievements, plans for the upcoming years, and inputs from ABC partners and implementers. | 163 Downloads | 2024 |
BIOMOB conference presentation 2024 | Presentation by Hans Langeveld, director of Biomass Research, addressing two major issues related to biofuels: competition with food (food vs fuel), and indirect land use change (ILUC). | 173 Downloads | 2024 |
Annual report 2023 of the Platform for Bio-Economy (PBE) | Annual report prepared for the Platform for Bio-Economy (PBE), on the use and import of woody biomass for energy purposes in the Netherlands in 2022 including data on source, country of origin, form and sustainability certification. | 168 Downloads | 2023 |
IEA Bioenergy iLUC Report 2022 | Towards an improved assessment of indirect land-use change. Evaluating common narratives, approaches, and tools. | 519 Downloads | 2022 |
Valorisation of rural and urban biowaste HOOP Urban metabolism 2022 | Valorisation of rural and urban biowaste HOOP Urban metabolism 2022 | 553 Downloads |
2022 |
Fact sheet Urban metabolism HOOP | Fact sheet Urban metabolism HOOP | 593 Downloads |
2022 |
Summary annual report 2020 from the Platform Bio-Economy (PBE) | Summary of the annual report from the Platform Bio-Economy (PBE) and Biomass Research about the use of woody biomass for energy production in the Netherlands. | 584 Downloads |
2022 |
Valorisation of rural and urban biowaste feedstocks technologies and production chains | Valorisation of rural and urban biowaste: feedstocks, technologies and production chains – a presentation for Bio energy and biomass held on 23 April 2021. | 682 Downloads |
2021 |
U.S. Corn Use for Ethanol | The causal basis for many of the relationships in models used to estimate the indirect effects of U.S. biofuels on global agricultural markets has not been adequately established. This paper addresses this gap by examining causal interactions among corn market variables through which the indirect effects of U.S. corn use for ethanol would be transmitted. | 1082 Downloads | 2021 |
Variable demand as a means to more sustainable biofuels and biobased materials | Based on a survey, an expert workshop, and relevant literature, the effects of a variable biofuel demand approach are evaluated with respect to food security, agricultural productivity, detrimental land-use change, and feedstock competition with biobased chemicals and materials. Here we provide evidence that variable biofuel demand can enhance the synergistic development of agriculture, renewable biomass feedstocks and biofuels, but implementation faces several challenges. | 1499 Downloads | 2020 |
PBE Jaarrapportage 2019 | Annual report from the Platform Bio-Economy (PBE) and Biomass Research about the use of woody biomass for energy production in the Netherlands. Available in Dutch only. | 950 Downloads | 2020 |
Report on expert workshop on variable demand for biofuels | This IEA Bioenergy Task 43 report presents the results of a one-day Expert Workshop on “Variable demand as an avenue to sustainable first generation biofuels and biobased chemicals” that was held 3 December 2018 in The Hague (NL). Read more about the project here. | 1120 Downloads | 2020 |
Mobilising Sustainable Supply Chains – Biogas Cases | This report is part of a broader IEA Bioenergy InterTask Project ‘Mobilising sustainable bioenergy supply chains’. It discusses: biogas production from organic residues, biogas production from the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), use of oil palm residues, and co-digestion of agricultural residues (manure and substrates). | 1353 Downloads | 2020 |
Outline of a sustainable and efficient bioenergy policy framework | A workshop, titled ‘Outline of a sustainable and efficient bioenergy policy framework’, was organised by IEA Bioenergy Task 43 on May 16, 2018 at the occasion of the 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition held in Copenhagen. | 1082 Downloads | 2020 |
Reststromen uit bos en houtverwerkende industrie | This report examines the question of how many woody residual flows in the Netherlands and surrounding countries are available for the production of bioenergy. This report utilizes existing public information sources, whereby calculations are worked out in an unambiguous manner. Calculations and results are presented in a transparent manner. Available in Dutch only. | 1125 Downloads | 2020 |
Ethanol from sugar beet in The Netherlands: energy production and efficiency | Prospects for ethanol production from sugar beet in The Netherlands have been analysed using measured production data from two experimental farms and literature on beet to ethanol conversion. The analyses include beet cultivation and harvesting, transport to the factory, conversion into ethanol and delivery of the ethanol to distribution points. | 1653 Downloads | 2017 |
Using Smallholder Farm and Household Data for Fertiliser Advisory Services | This report presents an overview of existing literature on farm size and composition, family conditions and other endowments and their relation to crop production. Specific attention is given to nutrient use, soil management and other elements of crop production in the study area. | 1057 Downloads | 2016 |
Netherlands position biobased economy FBR Biomass Research 2016 | This study evaluates developments in the Netherlands vis-à-vis similar developments in other countries in Europe. The main focus is on comparing policy, research and market developments in six countries in the North-west of the continent (the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Denmark). | 2948 Downloads | 2016 |
RESFARM Report database structure Biomass Research | Biomass Research has been asked to develop a database structure plus data entry system under Work Package 3 (Data collection and analysis) which can be used by other project partners. The main aim of the database is to collect farm data in the three countries covered by the project, facilitating a uniform and efficient analysis. A mobile data entry module was developed to allow quick and efficient entry of answers that were given by the farmers in the specific countries and regions. | 4603 Downloads | 2016 |
The Agrics approach | This report describes the way Agrics supports their advice services by using available information on soils, crops, and weather. The main focus is on identifying existing knowledge and data sources and exploring potential ways to integrate them in the information flow and knowledge base needed for a successful development of Geodatics. | 2540 Downloads | 2015 |
Note on indirect land use effect | This note has been prepared at the request of the Commissie Duurzaamheidsvraagstukken Biomassa (Commission on Sustainability issues of Biomass; further referred to as CDB). CDB elaborates issues of sustainable biomass for bioenergy (mostly biofuels) production. | 4351 Downloads | 2015 |
IEA Bioenergy intertas -project synthesis report mobilizing sustainable bioenergy supply chains | ‘Mobilizing sustainable bioenergy supply chains’ is a project carried out in the period 2013-2016, with involvement of many IEA Bioenergy experts. The project analysed sustainable bioenergy production systems to determine the factors critical to their mobilisation through a series of case studies. This work focused on five globally strategically significant bioenergy supply chains representing major global biomes and potential primary and residue supplies. | 1120 Downloads | 2015 |
Survey bioeconomy report | This report presents the outcome of a survey held amongst European countries, identifying policies, R&D activities and success stories of the Bioeconomy which has been defined as encompassing the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, biobased products and bioenergy. | 2949 Downloads | 2015 |
Leermiddelen GKC | While a large number of initiatives are currently being developed in the Netherlands, there is a growing need for students who are familiar with the principles and practices of bio-based production chains. At the request of the GKC, Biomass Research has inventoried and described existing educational material and other material about the biobased economy that is suitable for education. Available in Dutch only. | 2381 Downloads | 2014 |
‘Where next’ for European bioeconomy report | This publication presents the latest thinking on the bioeconomy from the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research and the European Bioeconomy Panel. It is released on the occasion of the Bioeconomy Stakeholders’ Conference organised by the Italian Presidency of the European Union in Turin on 8-9 October 2014 | 2124 Downloads | 2014 |
Cie Corbey 2014 Advies Verduurzaming Voedselsector | In 2020 the food requirement will be 70% higher than now, while available land is limited. At the same time, the demand for biomass is increasing. Sustainability of the agricultural and food sectors is desperately needed. In the Advice on Sustainable Food Sector, the Corbey Committee offers the cabinet workable solutions for making land use more sustainable, making optimal use of biomass and reducing CO2 emissions. Available in Dutch only. | 2046 Downloads | 2014 |
Impact of oil spills on mangroves Nigeria | While deforestation and, more recently, crop production have been identified as major causes of carbon releases through changes in land cover, the debate on the contribution of fossil fuel production to land-based emissions is still on- going. This report determines the impact of oil production activities on mangroves in the Niger Delta by generating the best available estimates of oil discharge, and by assessing its impact on mangrove vegetation. | 3240 Downloads | 2014 |
Analysing the effect of biofuel expansion on land use in major producing countries | Estimates on impacts of biofuel production often use models with limited ability to incorporate changes in land use, notably cropping intensity. This review studies biofuel expansion between 2000 and 2010 in Brazil, the USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Mozambique, South Africa plus 27 EU member states. | 2421 Downloads | 2013 |
CE Delft Hoofdrapport De bodem in de bio economie | The impact on soils of further development of the biobased economy has been investigated. This study examines the effects on the organic matter content of soils, the nutrient requirements (NPK), water consumption, land use, ecotoxicity and climate balance, including soil effects for a total of 21 biomass supply chains. Available in Dutch only. | 2132 Downloads | 2013 |
Bioethanol from sweet sorghum data checks | Initiatives have been taken to initate bioethanol production form sweet sorghum in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Objectives are to help establish sustainable biomass for ethanol production and to support (preparations for) sustainable biofuel certification. This report evaluates data on land and crop cultivation and biomass conversion as these have been presented in project documents and compares them to other references. | 2074 Downloads | 2011 |
RE-Farms First Interim Deliverable | This report presents results of the project Impacts of Renewable Energy on European Farmers. It focuses on the (potential) role that on-farm generation of Renewable Energy in the EU-27 may play both in realisation of national and EU environmental targets as in (re)vitalising agriculture and rural economy in different regions of the Union. | 3357 Downloads | 2011 |
Corré et al Analysis renewable energy directive NUTS-2 reports GHG emissions biofuel crops | The EC ‘Renewable Energy Directive’ (RED; EC, 2009) required national reports on the average greenhouse gas emissions from the cultivation of energy crops at NUTS-2 regional level. However, reporting calculation methods were not prescribed and therefore differences in reported emissions could be caused not only by differences in production systems, but also by differences in calculation methods. The aim of this analysis was to provide an overview of the methods and data used by individual countries and to evaluate the reported differences in emissions. | 2112 Downloads | 2011 |