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Bioslurry Boosts Coffee Yields and Cuts Costs for Ugandan Farmers
Smallholder farmers in rural Uganda are experiencing significant benefits from using bio-slurry, an organic fertilizer derived as a by-product of biodigesters. Through the African Biodigester Component (ABC) program, these farmers are gaining valuable knowledge on the effective application of bio-slurry, which is enhancing soil fertility and improving crop yields through sustainable agricultural practices. Biomass Research is leading the Organic Fertiliser Valorisation Implementer (OFVI) project that is collecting and evaluating impacts of bio- slurry and compost on crop yields and soil health.
One coffee farmer shared his success story, stating, “Using bioslurry as an organic fertilizer rejuvenated my coffee plantation and helped me cut my input costs by 50 percent.” This remarkable cost reduction allows farmers to reinvest savings into other aspects of their farms, contributing to overall agricultural sustainability and economic stability.
With the growing awareness of bio-slurry’s advantages, Ugandan farmers are increasingly embracing this organic fertilizer as a key component in their farming practices, ensuring healthier crops and a more sustainable future.
21/05/2024 Presentation on evaluating and improving circular bioeconomies in cities and regions
European cities can become circular bioeconomy hubs, in which sustainable bio-based produced are made from biowaste. However, few cities and regions have bio-based economy strategies and projects. The HOOP project aims to further innovation in the sector by working with eight lighthouse cities and regions to implement circular processes. The projects supports cities and regions by addressing legal, financial, and technical barriers and works to unlock investments in biowaste and wastewater valorisation technologies.
In this webinar series experts from the HOOP project share learnings and best practices to help make urban circular bioeconomy projects a reality.
In this presentation, Research4Life showed research results : an inventory of biowaste and Urban Waste Sludge (UWWS) streams in eight cities and regions, from collection, to treatment, and to post-treatment utilization. The outcome of the research allows cities to evaluate current waste management and to find solutions for novel circular processes from there. Find out more about Research4Life’s outputs for the HOOP project : and find the presentation slides on our publications page.
Biomass plays a role in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy in The Netherlands
The article, written by Sasja Hooijschuur and published in a recent issue of the Dutch journal Vakblad Energie en Duurzaamheid, examines the role of biomass in the Dutch energy mix, its primary sources, and future durability.
Biomass represents 40% of the Dutch final renewable energy consumption and is sourced primarily from waste streams. Sustainability of biomass use depends on its use as renewable energy remaining secondary to its use for primary uses (food and construction, among others), on recuperation of CO2 during combustion, and sustainability of biomass sourcing. Biomass demand will increase in the Netherlands, and is currently and predicted in the future to be a major portion of the renewable energy mix, due to affordability and versatile uses. Data in this article were sourced from the 2022 PBE report, published by Biomass Research, downloadable here:
Figure sourced from the 2023 PBE report
United-States corn ethanol paper downloaded 1000 times
The 2021 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) paper on United-States use of corn for ethanol has been downloaded from the Biomass Research website more than 1000 times! The authors examine causal interactions among corn market variables. The paper questions the causal relationship between increased US biofuel production from corn and rising corn and food prices globally which had been hypothesized in previous studies, showing that no causality was found. The paper concludes that linking U.S. corn ethanol production to large reductions in corn availability and exports, and higher global corn prices requires further research.
BIOMOB conference 2024: Debunking old biofuel issues
Recent targets for biokerosine (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) have sparked the discussion on the sustainability of biofuels. In a recent presentation, Hans Langeveld (director of Biomass Research) debunked two central issues : the food VS fuels, and indirect land use change (ILUC). Hans used UN statistics on hunger and food trade to demonstrate increased U.S. ethanol fuel production did not cause malnutrition or deforestation.
View the presentation on our publications page !